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Friday, December 30, 2011

Inexpensive Venue Sources

Kellys Korner is hosting a link up about wedding planning, and I feel like this is a PERFECT topic for me to blog about since I am in the middle of planning mine and Matthew's wedding.

When I first started planning out wedding, I knew that I did not want to get married at my church because it has two aisles, and I did not want to pick which aisle to walk up and down and where to sit guests, etc. I also did not want to have our wedding at his church because I would be at home planning a wedding that would be happening about 2 hours from where I lived. I wanted to be closer to vendors so that I could go taste cakes and sample food without driving that far to do so.

I decided that I wanted to find somewhere around Charlotte where I could get married by a lake or outside, and then find a reception hall for our reception. The problem that I ran into is that I am a poor school teacher, and wedding venues cost WAY MORE then I thought they would, especially for a summer wedding when everyone else gets married. I looked at a place that was perfect, then I realized that I had to pay $2000 to rent it for one night, then pay built-in fees for electricity, etc. PLUS I had to rent tables for $9 a table and chairs for $2 each...that is just way too much money for my budget.

Well, I started looking at parks around Charlotte. One of my friends got married at a park in Charlotte through their parks and recreation. I ended up booking a park that has a lake with an arch to get married, then you walk over to the reception hall next to the lake. Tables and chairs are included, and there aren't any additional fees to pay. Once I booked it, it ended up being less than $500 for the ceremony site, tables, chairs, and reception hall. Now I get to have the wedding I always pictured without spending all of my hard-earned money, ha.

Wedding Site

While I was wedding planning, I cam across several other counties near me with similar parks and venues for less. So if you are trying to save money on a venue, check out your local/nearby parks and recreation department!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wedding Planning Fun

Matthew and I booked our wedding wedding planning has shifted into high gear.

The day after Christmas, I went with my mom and best friend from elementary school to look at dresses. The place where I really wanted to get my dress from was having a "Day After Christmas" sale. I ended up with the same consultant that my friend Emily had when we had come there in May to get her wedding dress. Emily picked out dress #3, and I also happened to pick out dress #3 with the same consultant.

It was SO packed in the bridal salon with girls who had gotten engaged during the holidays. Every time I came out, I felt like all of these people were staring at me. I was one of three girls trying on a dress, but there were probably 13 people in the little dressing room areas. The other two girls in there had brought a ton of people with them. The bridal consultant told me the girl that she had before me tried on 22 dresses, narrowed it down to 3, then went to eat lunch because she could not pick. While I was checking out after picking out my dress, that girl came back to begin trying on dresses again.....then 2 hours later I came back to try on my dress again to get pictures with a camera....THE SAME GIRL WAS STILL THERE. I felt really bad for my bridal consultant, ha.

When Matt came back from Hendersonville, I forced him to go register for our wedding. I was so excited to go and thought it would be so much fun....WRONG. Trying to look at every item in the store and pick what I would potentially like was kind of difficult. I tried to work the scanner and could not manage it, so Matthew ended up scanning, which made it a lot easier. Matthew scanned $1.69 bamboo skewers as a joke...I really hope someone gets those for him.

Our Wedding Website

Bed, Bath, and Beyond Registry

Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Christmas Tree

I made Matthew let me put up a tree and deck his apartment out for Christmas this year since we are engaged, ha. Here are the pictures of our tree:

(PS-I did all of the work while Matthew watched football)

I wanted this pink ornament SO BAD last year. Matthew and I saw it in a store in Hendersonville. I have literally thought about it all year and regretted not buying it. I visited the same store this year, and they had ONE of these left from last year. It was meant to be my ornament haha. 

Yes, that is a peacock ornament. 

That M is not for's for MCMURRAY haha

Matthew and I picked out this ornament together last's my favorite on the whole tree. 

The full tree. There are probably too many ornaments. It is maybe a tad bit gaudy and tacky. Am I going to add wide ribbons and beads tomorrow anyways? Probably. 

Matthew is going to hate me when it's time to take it down. 

Matthew picked out the star on top. We will have to get a new one next year because it already broke. He looped the cord around at the top to make it stay haha.

While we were visiting his parent's house this weekend, I found out a neat story about their tree topper. On their first Christmas as a married couple, they did not have a tree topper. So Mr. McMurray drew a star on paper, and Mrs. McMurray traced it on cardboard, cut it out, and covered it with gold glitter. She then glued a clothespin to the back and used that to pin it to the top of their tree. It has been their tree topper ever since!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Engagement Story

We decided (but mostly me, Holly) that we needed a blog to document all of our engagement/wedding planning/wedding/marriage fun. And I really want to make sure that I remember our engagement story, because it is an awesome one. 

Apparently Matthew has been trying to ask me for a while. The first time, I had Strep Throat and had been at home sick from school. And having Strep Throat just does not make for a romantic engagement story. So thankfully Matt continued to wait to ask me. Engagement Failure #1. 

Flash forward a week: it was International Week at my elementary school. On Friday, I had to stay late to serve food at our festival, and Matt had no idea I had to be at work late. He kept asking if we could hang out that night, and I asked if he would bring me Bojangles to my school. When he got there, he looked really cranky and said he wanted to leave. I had other plans: naturally I wanted to introduce him to EVERY person at school so they would all know I had a boyfriend ha. 

Well it got to the point where I could leave around 6:00....Matt's secret thoughts were that we would leave and go to uptown, where he would propose. My thoughts were that we could to go to my classroom and rearrange and deep clean my classroom, which we ended up doing. Clearly I would have picked uptown if I had known the choices. So this was Engagement Failure #2. 

On Saturday, I got up to spend the day with a friend from work seeing Breaking Dawn. (Clearly, seeing Edward and Bella tie the knot was a good luck charm for me). After the movie, we went to eat and then decided to wander around and shop. Matthew kept texting me nonstop to see where I was, what I was doing, and when we would see each other. I had no idea what his problem was and kept saying, "I just want to shop a little longer I will see you tonight." Poor Matthew. 

After I was done, Matthew asked me to go to my parents house because my dad wanted him to bring him deer meat. I thought it was strange that we were going to my house just for that reason, but we went anyways. We were literally there for 20 minutes and Matthew wanted to leave to go eat. 

We ended up going to a fast food Japanese place. He barely touched his food. This should have been Clue #1 that something was up. After we ate, he wanted to go to a boat landing near where we were. One that we've been to a couple of times because the sunset is pretty there. This should have been Clue #2 that something was up. 

We walked out on the dock and talked about our past together. I was laughing and saying stupid stuff like, "None of the stars are out tonight because they are all in your eyes." Just joking around. Well, Matthew had on cargo shorts and I kept joking around saying, "There are plenty of places for a ring in those pockets." Turns out, there was a ring hidden in one of the pockets! 

Out of no where, he got down on one knee and said, "Holly, will you marry me?" I told him to shut up, asked if he was serious, and then told him that he was not serious because he did not have a ring. Then he pulled a small box out of his pocket...and I said, "WHAT'S IN THAT BOX?" Well, he thought it would be funny not to open it until I said yes....I ended up ripping the box out of his hand ha. I thought he was just playing a joke on me. I could not believe he was actually proposing to me. 

When I opened the box, this is what I found:

We went back to his truck to call all of our friends and family. While I was on the phone with his sister-in-law, Renn, a cop pulled up to Matt's truck. Like literally almost t-boned him. He asked what we were doing at the boat landing and we were like, "WE JUST GOT ENGAGED!' He did not care. He told us that the place closed 10 minutes ago and that he was giving us 1 minute to leave. Clearly he has suffered some bad divorces. 

Only my engagement would get busted up by the cops.