Friday night we visited Sonic and went to bed by ohhh 10:30. I had actually been napping for 4 hours while she drove ha so it was nice to go to bed early.
Saturday we packed our day full of mountain fun. We started the day at a fabulous cafe/store that's in Hendersonville. After lunch, we picked a peck of apples, had apple donuts, and cider at a local orchard.
Dana and I
Matthew and I
After apple picking, we hunted down the J. Crew warehouse store...only to leave empty handed :( That place is always a hit or miss! After our shopping letdown, we headed up the Blue Ridge Parkway.
The Holly Pose
Eerily similar outfits...Dana's mom said we were twins separated at birth.
We were super excited to hear this news! :)
While we on the parkway, Matthew and I started talking about places in Asheville where we could eat. We were not panning to go there, but we both mentioned that we had not eaten at Barleys (great pizza downtown) so after talking about how could it would be, we headed there for some pizza. We had a white pie with no sauce, and a pesto pizza...SO GOOD!
Dana was not sure how she felt about Asheville. I told her it was hippie. While we were there...we saw some...interesting outfits to say the least. Like a girl wearing hippie pink glasses, a black belly shirt, grandma sweater, tucked into hot pink gym shorts and brown thigh-high boots..oh Asheville.
After that, I remembered a place that was a coffee shop on a double-decker bus from my college days, so we headed across the street so I could show Dana. I was very dissapointed to see that you can no longer draw with chalk on the tables (I used to spend hours there with girls from from my sorority decorating the tables). We still got to see some nice views from up top, and our hot chocolate was amazing.
We ended our night early again, and got up early the next day for hiking. It was rainy and slightly chilly, but it ended up being a nice day for hiking because it wasn't too hot or too cold. We went to Triple Falls where the Hunger Games were filmed.
Triple Falls, North Carolina
I was a good friend and gave Dana my hat.
Then we watched some crazies kayak off the waterfalls...which is illegal, but was fun to watch. Matthew got mad at me because he recorded them going off and you can hear me saying "oh my gosh" and "daaang son" during the entire video.
After that, we tried to go to World's Edge. This is a neat place that is on the side of the mountain where you can see for miles and miles Sadly, it was too foggy to see anything. Like could not see 5 feet in front of us. So we drowned our sorrows in sushi from Umi.
Then Dana left me for Greensboro again and I was sad....but we've already worked out our next visit to see each other :)
Anyways, I made a menu plan/grocery list for the week so I wouldn't waste anything or spend a lot of money at the store. Here's what we're having this week:
Monday-French bread pizzas (cost less than $10 to make 2 of these meals for for lunch, one for dinner).
Tuesday-Barbecued chicken, rice, and green beans. (Didn't have to buy anythinggggg)
Thursday-Rosemary chicken and basil roasted veggies.
I didn't plan for Friday because most likely we will be headed home to see my grandfather. He has been sick for a while but was doing better, but somehow came in contact with the E. Coli outbreak in our area while in the hospital. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, along with my sweet grandmother.
Here he is as a handsome stud back in his Marine Days, right before he served in the Korean war.
And here is the last picture of him in the orphanage (all the way on the left) with his siblings right before he ran away to Stanley, where he would skip a grade in school by telling a fib to the principal, and meet my grandma. He's quite the character.