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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Embarrassing Classroom Moment

So this past Wednesday, I had a super embarrassing moment in my classroom. I had a minor accident that resulted in Matthew coming to get me and taking me to Urgent Care.

This is not the first time Matthew has had to come get me from school for an accident. Last time, an intercom fell off my classroom wall and landed on my head (like a heavy wooden box intercom form the 1970s). That time, no one was in my classroom to witness the accident. This was not the case on Wednesday.

On Wednesday morning, I went to file some copies in my filing cabinet. I opened up the drawer, stepped back when I slid it open, and fell completely over on my face. A child had come up behind me and laid down on the ground (he said he was sleepy and wanted to lay down). I did not know that he was there, and my entire class saw all of this go down. I expected the kids to go "OMG are you okay??" however, they all laughed! (5 year old me would have laughed too though). It was a sad, terrible moment for me, ha.

The nurse checked it out and I cried to my AP. He asked if my foot hurt that bad and my exact response was "My pride hurts Mr. P, my pride hurts."

I ended up having a sprain and had to be on crutches for a few days. Teaching Kindergarten on crutches is no fun! Next time I need to be on crutches I'm calling in for a sub, ha.

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