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Friday, September 21, 2012

My Happily Ever After

Warning: Picture overload.

I am quite certain that my wedding day was the most memorable day of my life...and I know for sure that it was the HOTTEST. Our cake melted :) and we had to reinforce it with plastic forks to keep it from sliding off the cake table. The whole day it was one big, happy blur, but these things stick out:

-Our wedding exit music, "The Danger Zone" (yes from Topgun) came on during the middle of the prayer...funniest moment of the day!

-Our cake melted, which I think it actually pretty hilarious (and thought so that day). I thought the littlest thing would make me blow up that day....then I discovered I did not have the slightest care in the world because Matthew and I were finally getting married!

-Traffic was AWFUL that day. The guys thought they would have time to go back to the hotel, shower, & dress after setting up...they ran out of time, skipped their showers, and ended up changing in the parking lot (and I mean stripped down to boxers) in the middle of a random CVS parking lot...hahaha

-A bee crawled on my arm, on my back, then across my face during our vows. The preacher told me it was a bee and luckily it did not sting me when I brushed it off.

-I kept my hairbow on the ENTIRE ceremony. It is crashing all of our pictures on my wrist. Funny thing, this happened during our engagement pictures. 

-Our little nephew Baker, who is like 1 and 1/2, spent the night tearing up the dance floor! I think he enjoyed the music the most :)

-It was the hottest day of my life.

-No one sat in the chairs that we rented, so it looks like we had 0 guests at our wedding. In reality, they all chose to stand in the shade of the trees.

-Our flower girls almost missed the wedding, and came sprinting up to grab their flowers right as we were about to walk down the aisle! We actually held the ceremony until they came!

-We told our preacher if it was hot, to just marry us, and cut the frills. On our wedding video, the time between Matt walking down the aisle at the beginning to the ending where our last bridal part member waked out...was 6 minutes and 26 seconds! I thought it was quick, but thought it was just me...nope we were literally married in less than 5 minutes!

-We heard our cake and food was quite delicious. We did not eat either :) too hot and my dress was tied super tight!

July 28, 2012

Dana did my foundation because I was freaking out because I had ohh about 15 minutes to get done and dressed. 

I handled the rest :) The photographers freaked out because I was using make-up colors that I had not "tested out." I would like to thank that my face came out quite lovely!

 All of my pretty make-up...I just thought this was a neat photo! Sephora would be so proud of all of their free advertisement at my wedding (This was my case that folds into the shape of a Sephora bag)

To die for picture of my dress. My last name sadly would not fit on the hanger, so I had to settled for Mrs, ha!

My best friend from third grade putting on her mascara! 

The hardest thing he had to do was figure out how to tie his tie...and someone else even did that for him!

Sliding on my garter :) last touch!

The programs that Renn, Mrs. M, and I slaved over. Thank goodness they were fans, they were much needed!

This is the moment when I started to panic...

My lovely junior bridesmaid that almost didn't make it :)

I am pretty sure these two could plot to take over the world...they are definitely two of a kind! I can't wait to have Lily up for summers and take her to hang out with Emma :)

 My poor blind father...we were both trying so hard not to trip each other. Looking back, I regret the aisle runner, ha! Luckily no falls or even stumbles :)

The big moment. See my hairbow?

Unity sand. Funny story, Matthew was done pouring his out, and I still had ohhh all of mine left to pour. Also see the little tablecloth on that table? That was made from the material cut off my dress when I had it altered. I had to have ELEVEN inches taken off the bottom. I set a record for Poffie Girls for having the most cut off a dress :) it ended up coming in handy when we needed a tablecloth for that little one!

First kiss!

Laughing because of "The Danger Zone' coming on during the prayer!


With my parents. 

With my brothers and sisters. 

With my new family :)

The most beautiful little girls in the world. 

All of my sisters!

My bridesmaids!

Matthew getting kisses from the bridesmaids :)

Me with the groomsmen :) such studs!

Matt and his groomsmen.

Freaking out over the bling! You know making fun of girls and their reactions to engagement/wedding rings :) ha!

I know it is quite inappropriate, but this is the funniest picture ever. Ever. Ever. Everyone who gets married by the lake should do this. 

The whole wonderful wedding party!

Our first dance...we were dying from the heat. 

My hilarious blind father. He was so nervous to dance with me because he was worried he would trip on my dress. We danced to My Girl and he busted out the moves! It was so funny.

He was not pleased with me. For their dance, I picked a Rascal Flatts song...and he hates them :)

Tossing the bouquet!

Tossing the garter!

Our friends that caught the bouquet and garter!

Cutting the cake! We were not sure at all what we were doing.

All of Matthew's high school friends. 

We are so thankful that we did not use sparklers. I love how this picture turned out. And my dress did not catch on fire. 

Place settings with our jars of honey. The honey came from Matthew's parents' bees.

The kids got suckers instead of honey! I loved how cute it looked. 

Best favor :)

Mantle decorations.

Our cake server. Funny story: Matthew was not pleased that his name was placed last instead of first. 

The cake that could not take the heat. Ha. Still pretty!

Bridal Pictures

I opted to take my pictures after our wedding. I was terrified that I would destroy my dress before the big day, and I did not want to be stressed out about it. So about 2 weeks after the wedding, Matthew and I went back home and met with our photographer to take pictures.

I had seen her take several pictures at this old house, and when I asked her about it, she said it was an abandoned house near her house. It turned out to be the perfect backdrop for my pictures:

I promise that my eyeliner was not that thick :)

Had to have this "Pinteresting" picture

Loved the red door and that lamp...I wouldn't mind having it installed right in my house!

I love the vines everywhere and my blue shoes peeking out!

Love this!

This was my favorite picture because not only is it gorgeous, it has a lot of meaning.
Matthew and I got engaged on the dock by Lake Norman.
And we got married by a lake, which has always been my dream :)
I think I will be printing this one on a large canvas to frame and display in our home!